Today Gram and Pa took Ellery and Sydney to
the Build A Bear store at Washington Square. They had a 2008
Christmas gift certificate from the Toomeys to use to build a
stuffed animal.
The first step was
picking out a stuffed animal. Ellery ended up choosing a pink
unicorn and Sydney's choice was Hello Kitty.
The next step was stuffing the animal.
Here are Ellery and Sydney waiting to stuff their
animals. They had to step on the lever so the stuffing machine would
After stuffing the animal needed to have a
heart. Ellery chose her heart. Then she had to pat it to get it
going, put it on her heart for love and then kiss it and put it in
her unicorn.
Sydney did the same for hers.
Then the newly stuffed animals had to be air
fluffed and brushed.
After that a name had to be chosen and a
birth certificate created. Ellery named her unicorn Angel and Sydney
named her Miss Kitty animal Kitty.
Then Angel and Kitty had to be dressed. It
was not as easy to dress a unicorn and Miss Kitty as it would have
been to dress a bear (we didn't think about that before the animals
were chosen!)
Finally Kitty got dressed in a velcro
fastened pink pleated skirt and a pink athletic t-shirt. She looked
like a cheer leader!
Ellery struggled and struggled to find
something that would fit Angel but it looked pretty hopeless when
suddenly there it was! A t shirt with gold sparkles that said Angel
and fit! Can you believe it! Everyone was so excited! A gold velcro
fastened skirt completed the outfit.
Angel and Kitty were snuggled up in their new
little cardboard houses ready to go home.