A Family History of Alvin Brooks: Articles and Documents

Biographies of Alphonso Brooks

ALPHONZO BROOKS was born in Onondaga county, New York, in 1812, and came to flu Page county, illinois, in 1833, and to Portland, Whiteside county, in 1835. His family came in the spring of 1836. He lived for six years on what is now known as the Wallingford farm, and and after that near Spring Hill where he kept a public house for twenty-two years. He has been Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Justice of the Peace, of the township, and also Postmaster. He is still living. Mr. Brooks has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Eliza Teats, and his second, Mrs. Mary Whitcomb, whom he married in 1872. The children are Benjamin F., who married Miss Mary Lanphere, and lives in Portland; Alice, who married Jacob Shetters, and lives in Iowa; Marion, who married Miss Eliza Woodside, and lives in Iowa; and Rose E. who married James Parks, and lives in Iowa.
From History of Whiteside County, IL by Bent/Wilson 1877

Alphonso Brooks, a native of New York state, lived there until 1833, when he joined the procession marching westward in search of cheaper and better homes. Taking up a claim in Du Page county, Illinois, he spent one season there, but in 1834 returned to New York where he soon married Miss Eliza Teats, who was born and reared in that state. In 1835, accompanied by his young wife, he again came to Illinois, and crossing the state located in Whiteside county. From one of the original settlers of Portland township he purchased a claim of one hundred and twenty acres, on which he reared the log house before mentioned. After placing a portion of his land in a good state of cultivation, he disposed of that property and took a claim at Spring Hill, where he erected the first building used as a house of public entertainment in this locality, and there for many years kept a hotel, and engaged in farming.
From Biographical History of Whiteside County, 1900, page 206.


Word of death comes from Marion Brooks, in Iowa

Friday, Feb. 10, 1882, Alphonzo Brooks, aged 70 years.

Mr. Brooks was born in Onondaga county, N. Y. in 1812, and came to DuPage county, Illinois, in 1833, and to Portland, Whiteside county, in 1835. His family came in 1836. He lived for six years on what is now known as the Wallingford farm, and after that near Spring hill, where he kept a public house for twenty-two years. He had been honored by his fellow citizens with the offices of supervisor, town clerk, and justice of the peace of the township, and had also filled the position of Postmaster, performing the duties of each office with credit and honor. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Eliza Teats and his second Mrs. Mary Whitcomb, whom he married in 1872. his children are : Benjamin f., Alice, Marion and Rose K.

Mr. Brooks' remains were brought from Iowa last week and on Wednesday, the 13th inst., he was laid in his final rest in Sharon cemetery in Portland."



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