Chandler Heath and Hetty Green |
Marriage notice found in the
vital record books from Danville, Caledonia, Vermont : Vol. 1
p. 208 Chandler Heath married to Hetty Green October 7, 1816 by John E. Palmer
Hiram Heath and Mandana Tibbits |
Marriage notice from the registers of the Congregationalist Church serving,
Brome Quebec, first register for the year 1844: Hiram Heath of the town of Brome Canada East, farmer, and Mandana Tibbits of the
same place, spinster, were married after the publication of banns on this the
thirty first of December one thousand eight hundred and forty four. signed: Minister: David Connell,
Hiram Heath, Mandana Tibbits, Witnesses: Chandler S.
Heath, Erastus Tibbits
Arathusa Heath and Roswell
Gilman |
Marriage notice from the
registers of the Methodist Church, serving the Durham
circuit, first register for the year 1844: Roswell M
Gillman, Batchelor Farmer aged 23 and Arthusa Heath Spinster
aged twenty one, both of Brome were married after due
publication December the thirty first in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four.
Minister: J.P. Adams, Roswell M Gilman, Arathusa Heath,
Witnesses: Hiram Heath, Mandana Heath
Cyrus D. Heath and Harriet Carpenter |
Marriage notice from the registers of the Methodist Church, serving the
Durham circuit, second register for the year 1851: Cyrus D. Heath of the Township of Farnham Batchelor and Harriet Carpenter of
the Township of Farnham Spinster were married after the due publication of Banns
on the twenty ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty one signed: Minister: H.N. Kimball, Cyrus D Heath, Harriet Carpenter, Witnesses:
Thomas Sloggett Lucretia Sloggett
Susan Heath and
George W Green
Marriage License |

(Certificate shared by Lori Bakutis) |
Chandler Heath and Mary Burdick
Marriage Certificate |

(Certificate shared by Paul MacKinney) |