A Family History of Burton Humphrey Ruggles

 Ancestor Reports


The family line of Burton Humphrey Ruggles can be traced back to Samuel Ruggles and Hannah Fowle who emigrated from England to Massachusetts in the early 1600's. From there it can be traced to William De Ruggele of Stafford, 13th Century,  who is considered to be the source of the Essex and Suffolk Ruggles who emigrated to America.


Burton Humphrey Ruggles' first wife was Anna Halladay. Her brother, Daniel Halladay, was the inventor of the the first fully self-regulating windmill which helped enable the development of the American West. Their family line can be traced back to Walter Halladay who immigrated from Scotland to Connecticut in the mid 1600's.


The family line of Burton Humphrey Ruggles' second wife, Sara Elizabeth Warren, can be traced to Thomas Warren and his wife Rachel Traver who were born in the mid 1700's in New York.


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