The People First of Oregon Chapter
Handbook provides information to help you organize and run a
self-advocacy group. The handbook is an outgrowth of the original
People First Blueprint and the Officer Handbook written by People
First of Oregon members. What
is amazing is how much the information in those original documents is
still as relevant today as it was when they was first written.
The people in Oregon who started People First knew that people
with developmental disabilities wanted to get together to learn to be
self advocates and they worked to develop a process to see that
happen. That process has stood the test of time. People First belongs
to the members and People First works!

is in the People First Handbook
What is People First?
People First Chapters
Types Of People First
Starting a People First
Keeping a People First
Chapter Strong
People First Officers
People First Helpers
The Role of People First
Hints for People First
To Ask Yourself As A People First Helper
People First Meetings
Voting and Elections
Workshops and Conventions
Types of Workshops and
Organizing a People First
Statewide Convention
Sample Convention Agenda
Sample Convention
Registration Form
Statewide Organization
Working on Issues
to get the People First Chapter Handbook
information in this handbook comes from People First of Oregon and
many other sources as well. We
have consolidated, updated and revised the information to make it a
better resource for us all.
First is about people with developmental disabilities learning to
speak for themselves and share ideas, friendship and information.
In that spirit we give permission to freely copy and share this
handbook. For the same reason we do not give permission for this
handbook to be reproduced or included in any material that will be
used commercially or sold.
The handbook is a large file
and it may take a few minutes to download. The file is in .pdf
format and requires Adobe's Acrobat Reader to download. If
you do not have the reader installed you can download
it for free.