People First of Oregon
Photo Album

We don't have many pictures in our album right now because the space on our web server is very limited.  Most of these these pictures go with the articles on the People First of Oregon News page.


John E. Dye Award
Bertha Spinning (2003) Ruth Morris (2002) Terry Schwartz (2000) David Maffitt (2004) Margaret Whipple (2001)

Some past and present People First of Oregon Presidents sighted at the 2004 State Conference.
FR Margaret Whipple, Ruth Morris, Terry Schwartz and Steve Kramer
BR Cindy Helvington and Bertha Spinning


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Ruth Morris and Richard Jones
Marriage of the Heart Aug 1995

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Jim Brewer
Statesman Journal July 2, 2002

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John E. Dye Award

John E Dye
SEPTEMBER 1, 1951 - MARCH 26, 2000


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People First President Cindy Helvington accepts the Community Partnership Award  from Governor Kitzhaber  March 3, 2000.

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Community Partnership Award 2000

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Terry and Chad play at a 
People First event

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Judy Cunio named Cerebral 
Palsy Association of Oregon 
and SW Washington's 
"Person of the Year"   1999

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Korean People First members
 visit Oregon People First

People First members at Erixon Dance Program

People First members at Erixon Dance Program

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David Beem runs for city council


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