Moving West: Thirteen Generations of a Smith Family

 Smith and Related Family Histories

"The Smiths were a tall breed, brown-haired and blue eyed, farmers and artisans who led sober, God-fearing lives and were typical of a strain which had flowed steadily in all the tides of western migration" *

Generation One

Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith

Generation Two

John Smith and Mary Partridge

Generation Three

John Smith and Mary Root

Generation Four

John Smith and Elizabeth Smith

Generation Five

Israel Smith and Abigail Chandler

Seth Smith and Thankful Jones
(Grandparents of the mountain man Jedediah Smith)

Generation Six

Amos Smith and Elizabeth Allison

Chloe Smith and Rutherford Hayes
(Grandparents of President Rutherford B Hayes)

Reuben Pratt and Hannah Warner
(Parents of Rhoda Pratt)

Generation Seven

Uri James Smith and Rhoda Pratt

James Laughtery Robb and May Jane Kimmel
(Parents of Maria Louisa Robb)

Generation Eight

Henry Albert Smith and Maria Louisa Robb

Burton Humphrey Ruggles and Sara Elizabeth Warren (separate website)
(Parents of Hattie Tryphena Ruggles)

Generation Nine

Albert Ira Smith and Hattie Tryphena Ruggles

James Gilman Cleland and Audra Valetta Moye (separate website)
(Parents of Edna Dellilah Cleland)

Generation Ten

Albert Burton Smith and Edna Dellilah Cleland

Generation Eleven

(Children of Albert Burton Smith and Edna Dellilah Cleland)

Gilman Smith, Gail Smith, Jacqueline Smith, Nathan Smith

Generation Twelve

(Grandchildren of Albert Burton Smith and Edna Dellilah Cleland)

Colin Smith (Son of Gilman Smith and Stephany Grabenhorst)
Aden Smith (Son of Gilman Smith and Stephany Grabenhorst)
Devon Smith (Daughter of Gilman Smith and Stephany Grabenhorst)
Emily Anderson(Daughter of Jacqueline Smith and Trey Anderson)
Christine Anderson (Daughter of Jacqueline Smith and Trey Anderson)
 Tyler Tennyson (Son of Nathan Smith and Terri Miller)
Audra Smith (Daughter of Nathan Smith and Lisa Jo Smith)

Generation Thirteen

(Great Grandchildren of Albert Burton Smith and Edna Dellilah Cleland)

Ellery Qwin Smith (Daughter of Aden Smith and Kim Hill)
Heath Smith Toomey (Son of Devon Smith and Jeremy Toomey)
Sydney Maxwell Smith (Daughter of Aden Smith and Kim Hill)
Brooks Woodrow Toomey (Son of Devon Smith and Jeremy Toomey)
Hezekiah Boaz Linauer (Son of Emily Anderson and Eric Linauer)
Bowen Aleksandar Toomey (Adopted Son of Devon Smith and Jeremy Toomey)
Oliver Charles Tennyson (Son of Tyler Ryan Tennyson and Chelsea Galano)

Annaliese Selah Linauer (Son of Emily Anderson and Eric Linauer)
Charlotte Marie Tennyson (Son of Tyler Ryan Tennyson and Chelsea Galano)
Bellamy Sayuri Justice (Daughter of Audra Smith and Takenori Justice)
Jude Kazuki Justice (Son of Audra Smith and Takenori Justice)


Title Page

* Dale L Morgan in "Jedediah Smith and the Opening of the West"