Marissa Ruth Desdier born November 27, 2001
8 lbs 11 ozMarissa is the daughter of Seren Desdier.
Seren is the daughter of Anne Grabenhorst and Mark Desdier.
December 8, 2001
Herb is still in the hospital and very ill.November 19, 2001
Herb Libin is seriously ill and has been admitted to Tarzana Hospital in LA. He is 85 and in failing health so the prognosis is poor.
Herb is the father of Stephany Smith.
Devon is moving back to Lake Tahoe
She and Jeremy will be moving back in with Sandy and Skyler and working as ski instructors at Kirkwood. They will be leaving Oregon early in January when they get back from their two weeks at Christmas in Rhode Island with Jeremy's parents.
Curt Heath's Guillain-Barre Syndrome Updates
December 3, 2001
Curt is home. He still has some heavy rehab to go and he still cannot use his legs but he is getting better all the time.November 18,2001
Good news! Curt's condition appears to have stabilized and he will be moving to the Rehabilitation wing at Providence.November 15, 2001
Curt is being treated with eight intravenous treatments of a special rare gamma globulin treatment costing $8,000 a dose! Thankfully he has good health insurance.November 12, 2001
The syndrome has affected Curt's vision - he has double vision and has to wear a patch on one eye. One hand and arm are also affected. The destructive phase of this syndrome can last two to three weeks so he is not out of danger yet.November 5, 2001
Curt is hospitalized with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition often triggered by viral infections like Curt had several weeks before. Curt is very ill and has lost the use of his legs. There is no known cure but most patients recover fully - some in weeks, some in months, some longer.
November 15, 2001
La Margarita voted Best Mexican Restaurant in Salem Statesman Journal Poll
November 10, 2001
Colin starts a new job at IPC in the Marketing and Business Support section. IPC is a hospitalist company for hospital in-patient physicians.
Rocky Mountain High
Colorado!October 25, 2001
Colin moves to Denver for a new start
October 10, 2001
Maybelle Curtis dies at age 85.
Maybelle is the grandmother of Alisha Grabenhorst.
Maybelle was born February 12, 1916.
October 2, 2001
Stephany gets her kayak
She and Bill starting learning how to paddle
September 10, 2001
Aden starts a new job at Bio-Reaction
Jeremy and Melissa Get Married!
Sunday, September 2, 2001
Brittany Anderson and Steven Murray Get Married!
Sunday, September 2, 2001
Brittany is the daughter of Trey Anderson
Sabrina Jo Heath born August 4, 2001
Sabrina is the daughter of Todd and Jessica Heath. She joins brothers Keanu and Tanner.
Todd is Rollie Heath's son.
Aden and Kim Get Married!
July 1, 2001
Devon and Jeremy move to a new apartment on Interstate in Portland
June 17, 2001
Emily Anderson graduates from OSU with a Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts
Family and friends celebrate with a barbecue at the Andersons
May 17, 2001
Devon's picture featured in business section article of Vancouver, Washington Columbian on opening of new Trader Joe's
May 2001
Joel and Angela buy a house on Robin Circle in Gresham
April 14, 2001
Welcome Bill!Click on my picture to learn all about me
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