
November 5, 2005
Ellery Qwin Smith is 1 year old!

The newest member of the family is scheduled to arrive June 10.
Congratulations to the new parents-to-be

Colin wins $159 playing Bingo!
The lucky win was at his Multnomah Village neighborhood bar, Renner's Bar and Grill

October 1, 2005
Curt and Sandy Get Married
Curt Heath and Sandy Wood were married at 5:00 in a no-host dinner ceremony at Saylor's County Kitchen in Portland, Oregon. Curt is the brother of Dennis Heath. Dennis officiated at the ceremony.

September 2005
Dennis and Stephany Travel the Heartland of America
Along with their dog Bill Smith, they take a month long 5800 mile trip along the Lewis and Clark Trail with a side trip through the Ozarks. The trip included stops in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Montana and Washington.

June 12, 2005
Christie Anderson is graduating from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Applied Visual Arts degree.

May 21, 2005
Tyler Ryan Tennyson and Chelsea Jane Galano were married Saturday, May 21, 2005 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington.
Tyler is the son of Nathan Smith.

May 3, 2005
Colin's Car Gets Slammed By Runaway Street Person

Colin lost his driver's side mirror when a transient being chased by police slammed into his car when he was parked at work. First he gets hit by a runaway deer, then a runaway human, what will be next!

Michelle Rae Grabenhorst-Garza
February 25, 1957 - April 22, 2005


Joelene Anne Desdier born April 9, 2005
8 lbs 2 oz

Joelene is the daughter of Seren Desdier. She joins sister Marissa.
Seren is the daughter of Anne Grabenhorst and Mark Desdier.

March 13, 2005
The Libins Welcome Max

Alan Libin sends word that they are now the proud owners of an 8 week old Boerboel puppy named Max. Boerboel's are also known as South African Mastiff's & were bred to protect livestock from marauding baboons and other native predators.

February 20-26, 2005
Aunt Gail Smith and Cousin Audra travel to Orlando to spend a week at Disney World.

February 11-23, 2005
Trey and Jackie Anderson visit the Cook Islands. Their visit coincided with Cyclone Nancy AND Cyclone Olaf's visits so the trip was a bit more adventurous then originally planned!

January 22-30, 2005
Dennis-San goes to Japan!

Dennis and People First member Terry Schwartz visited Japan on an all-expense-paid trip January 22-30, 2005 to present the People First story. They flew into Narita and then spent two nights in Chiba doing presentations. They took the bullet train to Toyohashi and spent three nights at a group home. They then went to Nagoya and did a presentation. After Nagoya they took the bullet train to Tokyo and spent their last nights there at the George Washington Hotel. It was a wonderful experience for both Dennis and Terry

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