
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2017 School Photos

Grade 7

Grade 6

Grade 5

Grade 3

Grade 3

December 25, 2017

 Christmas day family celebration followed by a visit from Ellery and Sydney for a few days which
included ice skating, cinnamon roll baking and an upscale Diner Theater showing of Wonder Woman!


December 9, 2017 - December 13, 2017
Stephany Makes a Pre-Christmas Visit to Eagle

Stephany has a beautiful flight for a pre-Christmas visit to Eagle (Dennis had to stay home to care for Max and Zoey) Highlights included watching Heath perform as Schwartz in the Boise Little Theater performance of A Christmas Story; a special Gram's Christmas celebration with dinner and opening gifts from Gram and Pa which Dennis participated in via Facetime; a band performance by Heath's sixth grade class at North Star Charter School where Heath used his acting abilities and kept his cool to totally look like he was still playing when his saxophone broke midway through the performance! It was a nice visit to start off the Christmas season.

November 23, 2017

Ellery and Sydney helped make this Thanksgiving special with their awesome baking and decorating skills
and Sydney's after dinner entertainment. A good time was had by all except for the squirrel
who thought he ought to be invited to dinner too!

November 5, 2017
Ellery is Thirteen!

She is now officially a teenager! Scary!

Fall 2017

This fall Kim had a new bonus room built onto the end of house by Ellery and Sydney's bedrooms.
That way they can have play and have friends over and not drive Kim crazy with their noise! That's the plan anyway!


October 31, 2017

October 19, 2017
Bowen is Nine!

Bowen had some specific requests for his birthday this year. He wanted to go to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner
 and he wanted A Secret Life of Pets birthday party with pink cupcakes with star sprinkles so that is what he got!

September 23,2017
Brooks is Nine!

A Harry Potter themed birthday this year complete with a Monster Book of Monster cake!

September 13, 2017 - September 26, 2017
Eagle/Reno Trip

Dennis and Stephany travel to Eagle to stay and do an early birthday "special day" celebration with Brooks while Devon and Jeremy and Heath take Bowen to Shriners  Hospital in Salt Lake City to pick up his new manual wheelchair. Brooks had a great time eating wherever and whatever he wanted for the his special day! The grand finale was going to Toys R Us and picking up a new Lego set for his birthday present!

After Eagle they continued on to Reno for their usual pursuits!


Back to School!

Ellery Grade 7
Lakeridge Middle School

Heath Grade 6
North Star Charter

Sydney Grade 5
Rivergrove Elementary

Brooks Grade 3
North Star Charter

Bowen Grade 3
Eagle Hills Elementary

August 21, 2017

What a wonderful experience we had viewing the total eclipse of the sun this morning! Colin, Aden, Kim and
Ellery and Sydney came down from Portland the night before. Salem was in the path of totality and they wanted to watch as the sun was completely covered by the moon. The light and shadows grew increasingly eerie as the eclipse progressed and then darkness fell. The birds went silent, the wind came up and the temperature cooled significantly. At the moment of totality people all over the neighborhood started cheering. We were too! Who could help it! It was truly an awe inspiring experience.

July 23, 2017 - July 27, 2017
The South Coast and Redwoods At Last!


Jedediah Smith
State Park

Humbug Mountain

Bullards Beach

Coquille Lighthouse

Valley of the Rogue
with Ranger Aunt Chris

We made it! This year we finally completed our Redwoods camping trip with Ellery and Sydney. We had started last year but had to end the trip abruptly on the second day when I broke my ankle. This year all went well and we had a great time camping along the southern Oregon coast and in the Redwoods.

July 23, 2017
Noble Alexei Vasilchenko

Seren Desdier and Pavel Vasilchenko welcome their new baby boy!

July 9, 2017 - July 13, 2017
Camping with Ellery and Sydney at Joseph Stewart State Park with a side trip to Crater Lake

Joseph Stewart SP

Joseph Stewart SP

Max gets a new windy

Crater Lake

Lost Lake Reservoir
Joseph Stewart SP

McGregor Park
Visitor Center

Mt Thielson
Hwy 62


July 2017
Bossy Libin

Alan Libin is sad to report his beloved mastiff Bossy lost her battle with cancer this month.

June 19, 2017 - June 23, 2017
Family Gathering In Eagle, Idaho!

This year we had a wonderful family get together at Devon and Jeremy's home in Eagle, Idaho. Lots of sunshine, a large yard, a beautiful new swimming pool, a three bedroom guest house, plenty of games and Devon's delicious meals kept both kids and adults busy and happy. It was like being at a 5 star resort!

June 6, 2017
Heath Is Eleven!

A fun Lord of the Rings birthday swim party with friends and an awesome Hobbit cake made by Devon!

May 28, 2017 - June 3, 2017
Fort Stevens Adventure with Heath and Brooks

Beach time! Battery Russel Fort Columbia Fort Clatsop Astoria Column Peter Iredale

Stephany took Heath and Brooks on a camping adventure to Fort Stevens State Park in Astoria, Oregon. Being from Idaho they loved playing in the ocean almost as much as they did exploring the forts. We did explore all the forts though: Battery Russell at Fort Stevens, Fort Columbia on the Washington side of the Columbia and the replica of Fort  Clatsop where Lewis and Clark wintered from December 1805 to March 1806. We also climbed the Astoria Column and explored the wreck of the Peter Iredale.
It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun!

May 25, 2017
Sydney Is Ten!

May 25, 2017
Audra and Takenori Justice welcome a new baby girl!
Bellamy Sayuri Justice

May 14, 2017
Bowen Meets Nick!

KTVB Channel 7 News in Boise Airs New Story about Bowen and his meeting with internationally-renowned
inspirational speaker, Nick Vujicic. Until that meeting Bowen had never met another person like himself
 who had no arms and legs. He was so excited!

KTVB News Story Link

April 27, 2017
Bridge from Riverfront Park to Minto Brown Finally Opens!

April 17, 2017 - April 24, 2017
Stephany Visits Eagle


 A visit for Devon's Birthday, Grandparents Day at Ambrose and hanging out with the boys and dogs. Then an
exciting trip in the RV to the Meridian Sanitary Station to dump the tanks! A bonus was Brooks finding a
 mysterious Susan Anthony gold dollar in the RV and then having the great visit end with a rainbow!

March 31, 2017
Bye Bye Subaru Outback!

Stephany decides she and Dennis don't need two cars and a truck so she sells her 2013 Subaru Outback back to
Capitol Subaru and puts the money in the RV fund.

March 7, 2017
More Snow!

Snow in March? Winter is definitely hanging around this year.

March 6, 2017
The Start Of Dennis's Three Month Ordeal!

Dennis had a dental procedure today. Since his heart valve repair in 2009 he has to take three amoxicillin as a
preventive before any dental procedure. This time the antibiotic gave him chronic diarrhea which lasted for three months.
He was very sick and lost almost twenty pounds. Needless to say he refuses to take any preventive antibiotics again.

February 9, 2017 - February 28, 2017
Stephany's Snowbird Adventure!

In and Out Burger
Ontario, CA

Santee Lakes
San Diego

Saguaro NP

Gilbert Ray



On February 9 I flew down to southern California to pick up the RV. It had been down at the Lazy Daze factory in Pomona for months after Dennis and his friend Scott drove it down in September to get a roof reseal and some repairs. I had to wait for my broken ankle to heal and the weather to clear before I could fly down and pick it up. The original plan was to head home after I picked it up - after getting an In and Out burger of course! - but the weather called for pouring rain in northern California and Oregon and the Siskiyou mountains were under winter snow warnings so I decided to be a snowbird! I headed south to San Diego. When the rains headed into southern California I decided to go to Arizona and Yuma and then head to Tucson and Saguaro National Park which I had never visited. Eventually I had to turn northwest and head home but first I stopped at Laughlin, Nevada for a few more days of sun. It was a slog home with lots of potholes on the roads and more rain but I swung up the coast to visit the redwoods and that made for a wonderful conclusion to this spontaneous snowbird adventure.

February 16, 2017 - February 20, 2017
The Toomeys Invite Aden, Ellery and Sydney to Tamarack for President's Day Weekend!

The girls had never skied before and after a day of lessons they were ready for the mountain!
Aden was happy to be back on skis and everyone had a good time skiing and playing together.
Thanks Toomeys!

January 26, 2017
Dennis Has Second Cataract Surgery

This time it was his right eye but still the same quick surgery and recovery as last April when he had his left eye done. We are still amazed at how easy that surgery has become compared to what it was in the past!

January 23 - January 27, 2017
Bowen Gets New Wheels!

Bowen has his appointments at Shriners in Salt Lake City this week for a new wheelchair - or wheels as he calls it!
The Shriners team also brainstormed various prosthetic options for his legs and a way to adapt his arm for writing.
The week was filled with special adventures for him including skiing at both Park City and Snowbird Mountain.
Best of all he got Jeremy and Devon all to himself all week!

Snowy Start to 2017!

Jan 3

Jan 3

Jan 7

Jan 11

Jan 11 (Aden)

Jan 11 (Colin)


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