
Pearl Minnie Heath Chambers 
August 5, 1907 - December 10, 2003

Anne Caroline Grabenhorst Heartwood
August 8, 1953 - November 30, 2003


More bad news
Aden has been laid off his job at Bio-Reaction due to the firm's economic problems

October brings some sad news.

Anne Heartwood's lung cancer has metastaticized to her brain. 
At this point they are treating the larger tumor at the base of her skull with radiation but there is no treatment for the three other tumors which are deeper in the brain. She has been given four months to a year to live.

Jeremy Heath and wife Melissa are separating and getting a divorce.

Justin Robertson and wife Twyla have separated

Jean Morrison Grabenhorst
June 2,1917 - October 23, 2003

October 17, 2003
Devon and Jeremy get a Havanese puppy!
Welcome, Bruiser

September 27, 2003
Joel Heath and Angela Whitmer are married September 27, 2003 in a small family ceremony at a beach house in Gearhart, Oregon

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September 18, 2003
Family friend Melissa Gable opens coffee shop

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September 14, 2003
Aden and Kim return from two weeks in England
They spent four nights in London and then rented a car and drove down through Devon and Cornwall visiting Bath, Stonehenge, Dartmoor National Park, Padstow and Torquay.

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August 10, 2003
Family Friend Jordan Hofer Celebrates Marriage

The 2002 marriage of Jordan Paul Hofer and Armelle Anne Hofer (née Denis) will be blessed on August 16, 2003 in the Eglise de St. Saturnin, Puy de-Dôme France. Armelle is the daughter of Rémi and Nicole Denis of Ceyrat, France. Jordan is the son of John and Jana Hofer of Salem. Jordan is an adjunct instructor at Klamath Community College. Armelle recently developed language curriculum for the Klamath Tribes.
Statesman Journal Article

August 9, 2003
Brian Heath and Cathy Cornejo are married
Brian is the son of Curt and Barbara Heath

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August 3, 2003
Grandma Edna is 83!
A small birthday party was held at her new residence in the memory care assisted living unit at Farmington Square in Salem. She has been living at Farmington Square since June.

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June 19, 2003
Anne Heartwood is in remission!

After undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for her lung cancer Anne is officially in remission with no sign of cancer. She plans to work on regaining her strength and move back to Salem.

June 1, 2003
Dennis begins working as a part-time chaplain for Willamette Valley Hospice
He will attend a three week orientation and then fill in as needed for the two permanent chaplains.

June 2003
Jeremy Heath graduates from Portland State University with a Batchelor of Science Degree in molecular biology.

Congratulations, Jeremy!

June 9, 2003 
Statesman Journal article on selling state surplus property on eBay features a picture of Josh on the front page!

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 Josh Heath of Salem bought a coat rack for $10 at the state’s surplus property warehouse in Salem. Oregon auctions numerous items on eBay.

Alisha Graduates!

June 4, 2003

Alisha Grabenhorst graduates from Cascade High School
Way to go, Alisha!

May Travel News

It looks like traveling continues to be the news of 2003

May 21, 2003
Colin is moving back to Oregon from Denver. He was laid off his job and decided he missed the Pacific Northwest and being close to everyone. He and Josh plan to get a house together.

May 15, 2004
Trey and Jackie Anderson are back from their three month plus
tour with their rv through the southern states and the east coast.

 May 6, 2003
Devon finishes her courses and exams at Sierra Nevada College and passes all the state boards to receive her teaching certificate. After visiting Oregon for a week, she and Jeremy will be driving/moving to Portsmouth, Rhode Island where they are going to be living for a year (Jeremy's parents live there). First order of business, however, will be a delayed honeymoon in the Bahamas for two weeks.

May 3, 2003
Anne Heartwood has been staying with her daughter Seren, granddaughter Marissa, and Marissa's father, Bill Wood, on Whidbey Island in Washington while she undergoes cancer treatment in Mount Vernon. No more! The trailer they were living in burnt last night. Seems like a bucket of cigarette butts by the back door ignited and started the fire. Everyone is fine but they will have to find a new place to live. 

February Travel News

Despite the winter weather it looks like February has been chosen as a good month to travel this year.

February 25 - 29
Jeremy Toomey heads to Vermont for a medical school interview and to visit his parents in Rhode island.

February 15 - 20
Devon Smith Toomey comes to Oregon to "hang out" during her spring break.

February 9
Joanna Heath and partner Joe are driving from their home in Park City, Utah to Buffalo, New York for an extended visit with Joe's mom who has been ill.

February 7 - 9
Anne Heartwood is taking advantage of the sunshine and visiting Salem from Whidbey Island where she is currently living with her daughter Seren while undergoing radiation and chemo therapy for lung cancer.

February 7 - 11
Dennis Heath visits Colin Smith (and Echo) in Denver.

February 6 - 13
Aden and Kim Smith combine sightseeing in New York with a business trip for Kim.

Early February - Early May
Trey and Jackie Anderson are on a three month tour with their rv through the southern states and the east coast.

February 1, 2003
Mail Box Thieves Caught in Act!

Stephany's brother, George Grabenhorst, put an end to the mail box thieves that have been hitting his neighborhood. Saturday morning he saw a small white truck zip up to the boxes at the end of his driveway and take the mail. He jumped in his truck and roared away after them. After a whirlwind chase he cornered the truck when it turned into a road through a storage facility which had no exit. He had called the police on his cell phone and they arrived shortly after. A woman and a man were arrested. It turns out the truck was stolen and contained two duffel bags of stolen mail. Way to go, George!

January 2003

Joshua Heath is now a permanent full-time employee of Bookbuy.com

Health news in 2003 has not started out well with two cases of cancer reported.

Stephany's sister, Anne Heartwood, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She was in Alaska with her son, Justin, and his family for several months and developed a hacking cough and shortness of breath. When she flew down to Washington at Christmas to be with her daughter, Seren, she felt worse and went to a clinic. They diagnosed a tumor pressing against a major vein draining into the jugular and rushed her by ambulance to Mount Vernon where they began treatment immediately. Anne is currently staying with Seren in Coupeville on Whidbey Island, Washington where she is undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. 

Stephany's aunt, Jean Maxwell, is currently undergoing treatment for cancer of the bladder lining in Langley, British Columbia where she lives. She reports the prognosis for her type of cancer is good.

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