
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2012 School Photos!

Grade 2

Grade 1


December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas from Dennis and Stephany

November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!

This year Ellery came down to help get everything ready for Thanksgiving dinner.
Her preparations included decorating an artistic children's table. Good job, Ellery!

November 6, 2012
Brooks Has His Tonsils Out!

Brooks had his tonsils out on November 6, 2012. They were so big they were seriously effecting his quality of life. He did great with the surgery.
In Devon's words:
"Brooks did great! He was seriously so excited for his surgery... he never once got scared. That smile... it never left his face the whole time they were prepping him for surgery. He was so brave and so cute! They all loved him because he was so excited. After the surgery, the smile was gone but he was still a trooper and because of that, we got to come home only about an hour and half after surgery. Now he's happily on the couch watching movies with his Ami Lorilee who flew into town just for him!"

November 1, 2012
Brooks Starts Preschool At Holy Cross!

He attends Holy Cross Preschool in the afternoons and continues at his much loved
Miss Melissa's Gym and Swim at Life Time Fitness two mornings a week.

November 5, 2012
Ellery is Eight!

Ellery was still recovering from the flu but that didn't stop her from having a great time at her birthday party at Oaks Park Skating Rink!

October 19, 2012
Bowen is Four!

Bowen celebrated his fourth birthday in style with one of Devon's great cakes!

 "Bowen asked for a tractor cake with Angry Birds on it this year... so here is my creation. I even included edible rocks, edible mini pumpkins, edible haystacks... pretty much everything was edible except for the birds and pigs. I think he was quite pleased! He was SO excited when he saw it... it was pretty darn cute!"

October 13, 2012
Audra Smith and Takenori Justice Wedding

Audra Smith, daughter of Nathan and Lisa Smith, and Takenori Justice were married on October 13, 2012 at the Pickering Barn in Issaquah, Washington. Over 450 guests attended the wedding including many friends and family of the bride and groom.

October 5, 2012
Dennis Inducted Into PSU Hall of Fame

Dennis and his 1962 Viking Baseball team were inducted into the Portland State University Athletic Hall of Fame on October 5, 2012. The team went to the NAIA College Baseball World Series in St. Joseph, Missouri in 1962.

September 29, 2012
Colin returns from Alaska

September 26, 2012
Justin Robertson and Shannon Harcourt Wedding

Justin Robertson and Shannon Harcourt were married September 26, 2012 in Anchorage, Alaska.
His cousins, Colin and Aden Smith, were there to share his big day with him.

September 21, 2012 - September 26, 2012
Stephany and Dennis fly to Omaha to visit the Toomeys and celebrate Brooks' fourth birthday!

We had a great time visiting with everyone and enjoying the sunshine. A highlight of this trip was a visit to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. What a huge, fun place!


September 23, 2012
Brooks Is Four!

Brooks wanted a Super Heroes party featuring himself as Spider Man so that's what he got! Devon made an awesome cake with individual super heroes. Miss Melissa came in on her day off especially to do Brooks' party at Lifetime Fitness and a great time was had by family and friends.

September 5, 2012 - September 6, 2012
Kayaking and Camping at Waldo Lake

What a beautiful experience we had on Waldo Lake! The lake was so smooth and glassy and that coupled with its amazing depth clarity (Waldo is one of the purest lakes in the world) made it literally feel like we were flying instead of paddling our kayaks!

September 5, 2012
Ellery and Sydney Back to School

Ellery is in second grade and Sydney is in kindergarten at River Grove Elementary in Lake Oswego.

August 31, 2012
Oregon State Fair

Ellery and Sydney were joined by their mom Kim and grandparents Dennis Heath and Stephany Smith at the Oregon State Fair this year. The highlight this year wasn't the rides or the food or the pig judging but the fact the Kim's car wouldn't start when it was time to leave! However Les Schwab came to the rescue to salvage a fun day for everyone.

August 21, 2012
Heath and Bowen Back to School

Heath is in first grade at Holy Cross. Holy Cross is a small private neighborhood school only two blocks from their house so Devon will be able to walk Heath to school.
 Bowen will be attending his special ed preschool classes at Beals Elementary.

August 20, 2012 - August 23, 2012
amping at Honeyman State Park

This trip Dennis had to work so Stephany and the girls camped without him. We had a great camping spot next to the playground and the Nature Center. The girls took full adventure of the Nature Center and Ellery earned her next level badge in the Junior Ranger Program and Sydney earned her Beaver Buddy Badge! Both girls amazingly hiked clear to the top of a very large sand dune during an evening ranger program. Not having the truck we had to hike everywhere and it became a very long day when Ellery left her back pack at the swimming hole and had to hike back herself to get it while we waited on the trail for her. Sydney decided to lean up against a tree while we were waiting and take a nap!

August 13, 2012 - August 16, 2012
Camping at Fort Stevens State Park

Dennis had to work again this week so Stephany and the girls camped him without this trip as well (Stephany did get a little more tired than usual for sure!). We had some great bike rides with Sydney sans training wheels and, as always, enjoyed exploring Fort Stevens and Battery Russell and the wreck of the Peter Iredale on the beach. A highlight of this trip was a visit to Fort Clatsop, the replica of the fort where the Lewis and Clark Expedition stayed in 1805. On the way home we stopped at our favorite rest stop on Hwy 26 but no tables were available in the shade. Ellery suggested we picnic in the side at the side of the RV so we did!

July 31, 2012 - August 2, 2012
Camping at Tugman State Park

The sand dunes, beaches, hiking around the lake and swimming were all fun but the highlight of this camping trip was Sydney ditching her training wheels!
In her words: "There are no four wheelers in this family anymore, only two wheelers!"

July 29, 2012
Heath Brothers Birthday Celebration

A birthday celebration for Dennis and brothers Curt and Rollie along with other family members was held at Rollie's apartment complex on July 29, 2012

July 12, 2012
Marion County Fair

Ellery was excited to catch the pig judging this year after missing it last year. In addition to the usual animal exhibits, rides and food the girls enjoyed touring some RVs this year. They especially like the ones set up with bunk beds.

July 4, 2012
Fourth of July Barbecue at Aden and Kim's

There were plenty of fireworks that day but some were definitely more exciting than others.

June 24, 2012 - June 26, 2012
Kah-Nee-Ta Hot Springs

 Kim and Aden and the girls stayed in a teepee and Dennis and Stephany stayed in their RV for this vacation. The pool was definitely the main draw but miniature golf was also fun. It was a good thing we were on vacation because the dining room service at breakfast was on vacation mode as well!

June 11. 2012
Ellery River Grove Elementary Talent Show

Ellery was not shy at all about playing the piano for the school talent show.

May 31, 2012 - June 9, 2012
Stephany flies to Omaha to visit the Toomeys and celebrate Heath's sixth birthday

The weather was perfect so we were able to spend time outside. A highlight was Brooks and the gate. Jeremy had demolished the fence getting ready build a new one but left the old gate. Everyone just walked around the old gate but not Brooks. Being a literal type of guy he used the gate anyway!

June 6, 2012
Heath is Six!

Heath wanted a spider themed party and a spider themed party he got! Devon made one of her awesome cakes (even though she has hated spiders all her life!) and decorated the room with spider plates and napkins. Bowling and a small party at home followed several days later by a wonderful party at Lifetime Fitness for all his friends made his sixth birthday one to remember!

May 25, 2012
Sydney is Five!

This year Sydney had a marathon birthday with a party at Pump It Up for her kindergarten friends, a little party with Gram and Pa when she spent the night, a birthday sundae at McGrath's and a party and extended family get together at her house!

May 16, 2012
The Toomeys will be in Worchester, Massachusetts next summer!

Jeremy has been accepted for a fellowship in Hands and Upper Extremities in Worchester, Massachusetts. The fellowship is for a year and begins in July 2012. The family is pretty excited because Worchester is only about an hour away from Jeremy's parents in Rhode Island who are in turn about three minutes from the beach!

Way to go, Jeremy!

April 14, 2012
Get the Kayaks! Minto Brown Park Is Flooded!

April 9, 2012
Colin flies to Alaska for a new job working for Justin!

March 30, 2012 - April 1, 2012
Jeremy Toomey flies in from Omaha for a fellowship interview in Portland and a short visit

March 28, 2012 - March 30, 2012
Soggy Spring Break Camping at South Beach

The weather was definitely wet and stormy! We didn't see any whales at the Whale Watch Center either but a good time was had by all. Ellery and Sydney thought it was great because they got to watch DVDs and had two breakfasts at the Pig and Pancake!

March 21, 2012
Spring Blossoms in the Snow

What weird weather we are having - and we aren't the only ones!

March 2, 2012 - March 6, 2012
Stephany flies to Omaha to visit the Toomeys

Lots of hugs from the boys and kisses from the dogs plus a Lego marathon were some of the highlights of this trip. Other highlights included watching Heath diving and all three of them skillfully maneuvering their Kindle Fires. Not so good was catching a Toomey cold which took almost four weeks to recover from. I need to toughen up somehow before these grandchildren encounters!

Team 5 finishes the race in 18th place!
What an accomplishment! Way to go, Justin!

February 17, 2012
Justin Robertson is running the 2,000 mile Iron Dog Snowmobile Race in Alaska!

The Iron Dog is the world's longest snowmobile race covering over 2,000 miles It starts in Big Lake, runs to Nome and then to Fairbanks. It traverse's some of Alaska's most remote and rugged terrain in some of winter's harshest weather. For this race survival skills are essential! All race teams consist of two persons and two snowmobiles for safety.

January 18, 2012
Stephany has surgery to remove basal cell carcinoma from under right eye

January 15, 2012
Peaceful Day

January 13, 2012
Ellery and Sydney start
Tae Kwan Do!

Happy New Year!

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