2011 School Photos!
Grade 1 |
Kindergarten |
Preschool |
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas from Stephany and Dennis!
No newsletter this year but we send
our best wishes for the holiday season
December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas from Devon and Jeremy, Heath, Brooks and Sasha

November 20, 2011
Heath wins silver at his first Dive Competition!

In Devon's words: "Heath
had his first dive meet today. He had a great time! He got a
silver medal that he has been wearing all day. He worked and
trained so hard and we are very proud of him! And his Ami flew
all the way out here from RI to watch his meet... thanks Ami!
Way to go Heath!!!"
November 15, 2011
Sasha Starts Preschool at Beals Elementary!

November 5, 2011
Ellery is Seven!

October 28, 2011
Sasha Gets Helper Legs at Shriners Hospital
For more details about
Sasha's exciting visit to Shriners
see Devon's blog post on One
Stitch at a Time
October 19, 2011
Sasha is Three!

October 21, 2011
Stephany ends up in ER with a severe kidney infection and
October 13, 2011
OH NO! Brooks breaks his clavicle!

He was playing around and
fell of the couch. Poor Brooks Woodrow!
Prognosis is good and at his age it should be a speedy recovery.
September 22, 2011 -
October 1, 2011
Stephany flies to Omaha to visit the Toomeys and celebrate Brooks'
third birthday!
September 23, 2011
Brooks is Three!
September 19, 2011
Brooks Starts Playschool at Lifetime Fitness!

September 6, 2011
Ellery and Sydney Head Back To School!
Ellery starts first grade at River
Grove Elementary
Sydney returns for her last year of preschool at Village
September 6, 2011 -
September 19, 2011
Stephany loves those Redwoods!

Dennis and Stephany make
a circle down the Oregon coast to the beautiful Redwoods in Northern
California, over to Vacaville to replace an RV shade, across to Reno
to donate money and then home.
September 1, 2011
Another Soccer Generation Begins!
Go Ellery!
Ellery begins her first season of
soccer. Here is a team photo from 1981 with her Aunt Devon and
Aunt Joanna when Devon was also six and playing soccer for her
first season. The second team photo is also from 1981 and shows
her Dad Aden and Uncle Colin and Uncle Josh with their coach,
her Grandpa Dennis Heath!
August 29, 2011
Oregon State Fair
This year Aden and Dennis were working
so Kim met Stephany at the fair with the girls. Along with the usual
visits to the animals and rides and fair food the girls got awesome
face paintings. After that we rode the tram to the end of the
fairgrounds and looked for pig judging for Ellery and Kim (Kim used
to show 4-H pigs when she was a girl which probably explains some of
Ellery's fascination with the event). No luck there but we did watch
some horse events so the girls were happy.
August 26, 2011
Four Parks Day
This was a fun day with Ellery and
Sydney. Dennis was working but Stephany and the girls had a four
park day adventure. First we took Max and Zoey to the dog park; then
we went to the new Johnston Park to check out their modern play
equipment (consensus: old park play structures are more fun!); next
we went to Wes Bennett park to play in the splash fountain and have
lunch; the grand finale was the Riverfront Park Splash Fountain.
August 25, 2011
Enchanted Forest
Ellery and Sydney really wanted to go
the Enchanted Forest again this year. The girls had a great
exploring all the exhibits and rides and Dennis and Stephany
definitely enjoyed the shade of all the trees!
August 23, 2011
Heath Starts Kindergarten!

He will be attending Mt.
Calvary Lutheran School in Omaha. In an effort to boost enrollment,
the school offered free tuition —
a $3,130 value — to new students who enroll in kindergarten through
seventh grade for the 2011-12 school year. What a great deal
although Heath would have thought it was great to be going to
kindergarten no matter what the cost!
August 15, 2011 -
August 18, 2011
South Beach State Park
We got luck with the weather and had a
sunny, warm camping adventure here this year. Well, except maybe
when Dennis got pooped on by a sea gull! Sydney was a trooper with
her little bike and training wheels on a long bike ride through the
park trails and then down the jetty to the pier. We're looking
forward to next year when she will be on a bigger bike and have the
training wheels off. Then we can really bike!
August 8, 2011 -
August 11, 2011
Fort Stevens State Park
Camping at Fort Stevens State Park this
year was a lot of fun. The weather was warm and we had time to
explore the park thoroughly. Stephany didn't even get everybody lost
on the bike rides this year!
July 29, 2011 -
August6, 2011
The Toomeys Revisit The Tetons!
Devon and Jeremy and the
boys along with Jeremy's parents, Dennis and Lorilee, go back to the
Jackson Hole area for vacation again this year. Their good friends,
Bill and Vern, and their two boys also shared the vacation. For more
details and pictures of the trip see Devon's blog entry at http://onestitchatatimetoomey.blogspot.com/2011/08/jackson-hole-trip.html
July 26, 2011
GOOD-BYE 503-585-4718!
After many years we are
getting rid of our land line. We really don't need it anymore when
we both have cell phones. You can find our cell phone numbers in the
address book.
July 13, 2011 - July
19, 2011
Dennis flies to Omaha to visit the Toomeys!
Omaha was under a excessive heat
warning with daytime temperatures in the high 90's and nighttime
temperatures in the high 70's. Those temperatures coupled with
the high humidity brought the heat index up above 105 degrees!
Devon had several events she and the boys were going to take
Dennis to but they were cancelled due to the weather and in one
case the flooded Missouri and a bumper crop of giant mosquitoes.
This trip everyone just took it easy and tried to stay cool.
July 22, 2011
Colin plays a solo on his guitar for friends Marc and Juli's wedding
Nice job, Colin!
Eric Linauer
January 12, 1977 - July 10, 2011