Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time
2013 School Photos!
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Ellery |
Heath |
Sydney |
Brooks |
Bowen |
December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas from Dennis and Stephany!
Heath's Christmas Wish: Teeth!
He seems to have set a family record for losing the
most baby teeth at one time!
November 28, 2013
Welcome Haven Caroline Robertson!
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Nephew Justin Robertson and wife Shannon
welcome a new baby girl for Thanksgiving.
Her name is Haven Caroline Robertson and she weighs 6lbs 9oz. Haven and
her mother are both doing well after an early morning cesarean delivery.
She joins big brother Cameron Robertson.
November 28, 2013
Devon and the boys drive from Boise to
celebrate Thanksgiving in Oregon.
The cousins were so excited to see each other they totally wore themselves out!
November 5, 2013
Ellery is Nine!
Ellery requested a formal dinner for her birthday and her wish was granted at a nice restaurant in downtown Portland called Mothers Bistro. A boy sitting behind her wrote on his placemat "I think the girl sitting behind me is so pretty!" And indeed she is!
October 25 - November 1, 2013
Halloween in Meridian/Boise
Pa and Gram celebrated Halloween in
Meridian with the
Toomeys. Pa dressed up Oregon style
to pass out candy to the treat or treaters and the boys dressed up
in their favorite costumes!
October 19, 2013
Bowen is Five!
Bowen asked for two months to have a barn cake for his Birthday so Devon obliged with one of her awesome cakes and a farm themed party! A special birthday treat was having his grandmother, Lorilee, fly out from Rhode Island for his birthday.
April 20, 1999 - October 3, 2013
Goodbye Dear Sweet Gus
We will miss you
September 23, 2013
Brooks is Five!
Brooks wanted Devon to make him a dragon cake with a volcano for his birthday so his wish was granted!
Back to School!
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Ellery is in third grade and Sydney is in
first grade at River Grove Elementary.
Heath is attending Ambrose Academy in Meridian.
Bowen is attending special ed preschool classes at Ponderosa Elementary.
Brooks is being homeschooled for preschool this year and loving it because he gets to
go to school in his pajamas!
August 30, 2013
Oregon State Fair
Pa left Meridian early to keep his promise to Ellery and Sydney that he would take them to the Oregon State Fair. Their mother Kim went along as well as one of her favorite things is riding the carnival rides!
August 24, 2013
Alisha Grabenhorst and Trevor Hayes Are Engaged!
August 18 - September 1, 2013
A Visit to the Toomeys in Meridian/Boise
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Gram and Pa head to Meridian/Boise to visit the Toomeys. Dennis arrives with an Oregon sign for their yard to balance the preponderance of Boise State Bronco signs which are everywhere. A visit to the Saturday Market and the Raptor Center as well as playing in the community parks and swimming in the wonderful neighborhood pool wore Pa out. He was definitely not the only one that was worn out!
August 11 - August 15, 2013
Camping at Honeyman State Park
We had a great camping site at Honeyman this year. It was right by the Nature Center, playground and only a short hike to the dunes. Ellery worked so hard helping at the Nature Center they signed her up as an official volunteer. After 25 hours she will get a certificate and a pin. Good job, Ellery! This year we got sand saucers so the girls could slide on the dunes but unfortunately they didn't side well at all. Next year they want to try sand boards. We shall see!
August 8, 2013
Brooks has an Emergency Appendectomy!
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On top of his appendectomy Brooks had a kidney infection and had to stay in the hospital for several days. Devon found her neighbors were wonderful helping her out as she was all alone with the boys until Dad Jeremy could fly back from Massachusetts. Anyone who knows Brooks knows how much he loves his costumes and when Jeremy brought him this one he was thrilled even though he was still so sick. As Devon said, "Even superheroes end up in the hospital sometimes"
August 5 - August 9, 2013
Camping at Fort Stevens State Park
Happy Birthday Pa!
Along with Pa's birthday, the big event at Fort Stevens this year was Sydney being swept out into Coffenbury Lake by a big wind gust while she was practicing in the kayak and having to be towed back! She was brave and didn't panic and everyone was very impressed by how she handled the whole situation. After that adventure it was nice to just enjoy our regular activities at the park.
August 3, 2012
Heath Family Summer Birthday Picnic
July 29 - July 30, 2013
Justin Visit
Nephew Justin Robertson with wife Shannon and son Cameron came down from Alaska for a visit and we had a family barbecue and Smore feed for them. Justin and Shannon are expecting a new baby in December.
July 23 - July 25
Camping at South Beach State Park
Last year at South Beach we had soggy spring break camping. This year we had a bone chilling wind that made it too cold to play on the beach for very long. We decided to do some other things like go to the Oregon Coast Aquarium and visit both the Yaquina Bay and Yaquina Head lighthouses. The cold wind didn't keep us from having our smores though! We always have fun camping no matter what the weather is.
July 14, 2013
The Toomeys Are On Their Way to Boise!
The Toomeys say good-bye to Omaha
and head to Boise, Idaho!
Jeremy will be heading back to Massachusetts for his fellowship but
Devon and the boys are staying in Boise. It didn't make financial
sense for them all to move to Massachusetts for a year and then all
move to Boise. They have rented a nice, large house in Meridian with
lots of room for kids and dogs (and Pinchy the hermit crab!).
July 13, 2013
Marion County Fair
The fair gets smaller every year but we all had a good time, especially Ellery and Sydney on the Inflatables! We also saw our first Flyball Competition with a lot of happy, noisy, excited dogs competing.
June 16, 2013 - June 19, 2012
Dennis loves the pool at Kah-Nee-Ta so it didn't take much persuasion when the girls asked to go camping there for a few days!
June 6, 2013
Heath is Seven!
From Devon's report it sounds like he had a great birthday!
"Today was Heath's 7th Birthday & he had a blast! He got a new custom birthday shirt with a scorpion holding a seven on it's stinger, lots and lots of presents, a fantastically wonderful party with 18 of his closest friends at PE 101 (think trampoline, zip line, rings into a foam pit and all sorts of stuff!), and the cake he requested I make this year... a deadly creature cake. It had a "dirt mound" as the cake with gummy worms inside. On the mound was a black widow spider, a bird eating tarantula, a scorpion & a killer bee. On the "dirt ground" was a beetle with sharp pinchers & a rock python. On the chocolate "rocks" was a horned lizard that in real life oozes blood out of it's eyes when threatened and finally, in the leaf nest was a baby cobra hatching out of its egg. Needless to say he was quite excited about the entire day! What a little blessing our strong willed but big hearted first born son is! We are so grateful for these last 7 years with him! We love you Heath... Happy Birthday!!!"
May 31, 2013
A Big Day For The Toomeys!
Their house in Omaha, Nebraska sold today and they have an employment contract in hand for Jeremy from St. Luke's Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho.
They will be moving to Boise after Jeremy completes his one year fellowship at the University of Massachusetts. That means they have to pack up and move to Massachusetts next month and then a year later move to Boise. That much moving is not a fun prospect but the end result will definitely be worth it.
Jeremy's Commencement Announcement
Jeremy is graduating from the Nebraska
Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program.
Next comes a one year surgery fellowship at the University of
Massachusetts Medical
Center in Hand and Upper Extremities.
Way to go, Jeremy! And way to go, Devon and your boys for all the support and encouragement and sacrifice along the way. You all deserve a big round of applause!
May 25, 2013
Sydney is Six!
A family party with cousins and classmates, a puppy cake and lots of presents!
May 1, 2013
George Grabenhorst Joins Sperry Van Ness Commercial Advisors, LLC
Stephany's brother,
George Grabenhorst,
has now joined
Sperry Van Ness Commercial Advisors, LLC.
is the May 1, 2013 article from the Statesman Journal:
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March 26, 2013 - April
2, 2013
Cousin Camp!
Devon and the boys fly in from Omaha for a great week of cousin bonding and family adventures including Silver Creek Falls, Enchanted Forest, an extended family get together and an Easter celebration. It was a wonderful visit and a great time was had by all!
February 22, 2013
Seattle Times Article on Rollie Heath's Granddaughters
Lynwood High's Edwards family hopes to bring
school Class 4A girls basketball title
January 31, 2013
Stephany Gets A New
2013 Subaru Outback!
The Toomeys House Is On The Market!
Getting ready for their move to Massachusetts in June for Jeremy's fellowship, the Toomeys put their house on the market.
Bowen Gets Spiderman Helper Legs!
Aden Is An Australian Citizen!
Stephany was born in Australia
which made her an Australian citizen.
As a result her son Aden was eligible for citizenship by descent.
Happy New Years Puppy!
The Toomeys Get A New Dog!
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