December 22, 2002
Statesman Journal Announcement
29 Mar 1900 - 2 Nov 2002
An exceptional lady, mother,
grandmother and great-grandmother
We'll miss you, Audra
The Journey of Our Eyes
A poem to Audra from her great-granddaughter, Devon Smith
They set the date for December 22, 2002 at the Adrianna
Hill Grand Ballroom in Portland, Oregon.
20, 2002
Dennis trades in his Mazda truck for a little Ford Ranger that we can tow behind the rv and carry our
kayaks and bikes as we travel. First trip will be to Lake Tahoe to see Devon's
new house, kayak on the lake and celebrate Aden's birthday on October 4. What a life!
September 2002
Grandma Edna Smith's house in Grants Pass sold
With Grandma Edna Smith unable to return home, her house is sold and the contents sold at an estate sale.
September 18, 2002
Anne Heartwood moves to Alaska
She packed up herself and her dog, arranged to rent her house and headed up
the Alaskan Highway to be with her son Justin and his family in Palmer. Good
luck to everyone!
Anne is Stephany Smith's sister
11, 2002
Grant Michael Barnard born
July 28, 2002
Grant is the son of Darin and Shari Heath Barnard
Shari is the daughter of Curt and Barbara Heath
Grandma Audra Cleland falls and breaks her pelvis
They feel she had a small stroke. She was hospitalized and is now back at the nursing home. She is doing as well as can be expected for being bedridden and 102 years old.
Danna Grabenhorst Hammer
May 15, 1949 - July 23, 2002
July 12, 2002
Seren and Marissa come to visit
July 8, 2002
In a moment of carelessness, Stephany slips on the wet back deck while changing the sprinkler in her bare feet and takes a bad fall. She dislocates her knee and also ends up with a shoulder separation, small fracture on the end of her collarbone and lots of pain and bruises. So much for kayaking for awhile but the rv trip to Alaska in August is still on!
July 6, 2002
Stephany gets Dennis a kayak for his birthday and he hits the river!
July 1, 2002
Edna Smith moves to assisted living
Grandma Edna Smith is now living at the Vintage Suites, an assisted living facility located at 1301 SE Parkdale Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97527.
June 2002
Stephany spends five weeks exploring Colorado and parts of Arizona and New Mexico after taking Echo back to Colin in Denver.
Dennis flies to Las Vegas for his college baseball team reunion on June 21.Stephany picks him up there and they head for Lake Tahoe to visit Devon and then home.
A great trip except for the
heat, extreme dryness and fires. Stephany came back with a new appreciation for
the Pacific Northwest.
(Colorado Trip 2002 Album)
May 2002
Devon's going back to school to get her teaching certificate
Devon is accepted for the teaching program at Sierra Nevada College in Lake Tahoe. She starts classes in June and will get her teaching certificate in May 2003. She will be working as a physical therapist assistant at Emerald Bay Physical Therapy while she is going to school
April 23, 2002
Anne Heartwood graduates
from BCTI
She gets the Professional Growth award at the graduation ceremony
Anne is Stephany Smith's sister
Congratulations, Anne!
Burrell Grabenhorst
June 13, 1923 - March
24, 2002
Michele Libin is moving to
Orlando, Florida
She is leaving the overcast skies of Puget Sound and heading for the
sun. She will be working for Angus and Batya Wooten and their
Messianic Israel Alliance and House of David Ministries.
In Loving Memory
Herb Libin
August 25, 1916 - February 8, 2002
Kim gets a new job and a raise!
Kim will be working as General Manager for S&F Associates in Portland. S&F is a sales and distribution office for the toy industry, covering everything west of Colorado, and representing 25 to 30 toy lines.
Congratulations once again, Kim. That MBA is paying off!
February 1, 2002
Justin and Cameron drop by on their way home to Alaska
Cameron is a very happy healthy young man. He's come a long way (and over a million dollars in medical bills!) from that 1 lb 8 oz baby. Justin and Twyla have done a great job. Cameron will be two on April 15.
January 27, 2002
Medical UpdatesCurt Heath
Curt continues to recover. He has most of the feeling back in his legs and only one numb spot left in his right foot. He still has to use crutches and a wheelchair as the nerves in his legs still haven't caught up with his brain yet but he is steadily improving and in good spirits.
newspaper articleEsther Libin
Esther has been hospitalized at Tarzana Medical Center for treatment of her breathing difficulties.Herb Libin
Herb has been transferred to the skilled nursing care facility attached to Encino Hospital. He remains in serious condition. The staph infection in his lungs remains resistant--at this point it is not getting better or worse. He remains dependent on the respirator which is connected through a trach tube although he can be off it for short periods of time and a feeding tube. He also requires periodic blood transfusions to keep his blood oxygenated.
January 15, 2002
Devon is now working at Heavenly Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe.
She is a ski instructor in the kid's program and says she loves the view of the lake while she is working!
Congratulations to the Oregon Ducks!
It should have been the Rose Bowl and a chance at the National Championship but we're proud of the Ducks, their decisive victory at the Fiesta Bowl and their # 2 national ranking
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